Chaucer Complete Works

​Dr. Fruoco started working on a brand new translation of Chaucer's works in French in 2020. This five-volume collection - sponsored by the New Chaucer Society - is being published by Classiques Garnier and is the first entirely bilingual edition of Chaucer's poetry to be printed in France.
To mark this occasion, each text is accompanied by new introductions written by leading experts in the field of Chaucerian studies. In the published volumes, you may find these introductions in French, but the original English versions are freely available on this page.
Le Livre de la Duchesse et autres textes - Tome I / Published in September 2021.
The Book of the Duchess - Ardis Butterfield
The House of Fame - David Wallace
Anelida and Arcite - Candace Barrington
The Parliament of Fowls - Susan Crane
Troïlus et Criseyde - Tome II / Published in July 2023.
To celebrate the publication of the first volume, an online launch party was organized and you may find it right here.