Dr. Jonathan Fruoco
Dr. Jonathan Fruoco, FRHistS is a French medievalist and historian, born and raised in Grenoble (France) of Italian descent.
As an active member of the New Chaucer Society and of the Medieval Academy of America, he is often considered as one of the last French academics working on medieval English literature and language.

His research focuses on the linguistic and cultural evolution of medieval England, with a particular interest in the poetry of Geoffrey Chaucer (which he is currently translating in French). Although every now and then, he likes to write about film studies or popular culture.
He has notably translated, for the very first time in French, a selection of original medieval Robin Hood ballads and plays in Les faits et gestes de Robin des Bois (UGA Editions, 2017).
Dr. Fruoco works in a multilingual environment and is committed to scholarship that is accessible both to academic and public audiences.
In February 2022, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (RHS).

Dr. Fruoco studied at the Université Stendhal (Grenoble) and worked initially in historical sociolinguistics under the supervision of Professor Mohammed Benrabah. He then applied his experience to literature and became interested in the Chaucer's poetry thanks to the guidance of Professor Denis Bonnecase. He was ranked first at the agrégation spéciale d'anglais in 2021.
His first book, Geoffrey Chaucer: polyphonie et modernité (Michel Houdiard Editeur, 2015) received fundings from the Institut Universitaire de France.
He received the Lone Medievalist Prize for Scholarship for his Faits et Gestes de Robin des Bois (UGA Editions, 2017).
Currently working as an English teacher, Dr. Fruoco is also an Associate member of the Centre de recherches anglophones (CREA) at Paris Nanterre University and a member of the Advisory Bord of “New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession”, a journal published by the New Chaucer Society.
You can also find Dr. Fruoco's work on these platforms:
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jonathan_Fruoco
Academia: https://univ-grenoble-alpes.academia.edu/JonathanFruoco
HAL: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/search/index/q/*/authIdHal_s/jonathan-fruoco
HumanitiesCommon: https://hcommons.org/members/jonathanfruoco/
And don't forget to take a look at his ORCID page via this QR Code!